Ten Powerful Tips On How To Awake The Giant In You

Ten powerful tips on how to awake the giant in you 

1. Pay the price 
We are living in a generation where everyone wants to be at the top without considering the prize to be paid. In my research and experience about life, people want to be successful not knowing that the journey to the top has a process to follow. We are living in a world that is governed by laws and principles. I have a question for you and I want you to answer me or reply me, do you like where you find yourself today? Do you like what you doing today?  Do you like where you are living today? If your answer is yes then fine but if your answer is no then sit down and think about life, know what you want, calculate the prize and go to work immediately.
Remember this, whatever you sow today you harvest tomorrow.
You want to be successful in business, find out from the people that are at the top what they do to be there. You want to a lawyer, a teacher, an engineer then find out what the prize is and start working on it. Every thing in this life requires prize and sacrifice and there is no shot cut to success. Whatever you desire today find out the prize to be pay and start paying it. 

2. Belief in your self

Believing in yourself is the best thing that you can ever do to your self. In life  there are group of people you have categorized as celebrity I mean in your mind, the different between you and the celebrities is that your own self esteem is low while there own own is high. Everyone you see at the top today started from the scratch. We all came into this world empty without knowledge but it is up to you to get skills and knowledge of what you want from life.
There is a universal law that says "As a man thinks so he is" My question is what have concluded about your self, do you see yourself as the best or are you still thinking that someone else is better and greater than you. My friend, my advice to you is please learn to belief in your self so that the best of you will manifest.

3. Keep focus

In life, there are alot of distractions which are ready to sabotage and stop you from achieving your goals and dreams. What ever you give attention grows. In life, for one to get to the top, it requires alot of focus, i mean focus to get to your destination. Every goals or dreams requires alot of focus to get the best results in it. A focused mind will be hardly distracted,so for you to get there, keep focus. 

4.Be determined

One of my mentor Napoleon Hill said in his book "think and grow rich " that whatever the mind of a man can conceive and belief is achievable. Determination leads to success. Some people do say something like: it is too hard, it is too difficult, I can't make it. I want you to know this, for the fact that another person has done it before,you can still do it  and get the best result too. I  want you to know that there is no goal or dream that you can not achieve in life, all it requires from you is for you to conceive it, determine to achieve it, find out how it can be achieve and go to work .


In the journey to destiny, there must be a time of confusion, frustration, temptation and failure, all of them makes life interesting.
The journey to the top has many failures accompany with it, but that you failed today dose not mean that you are a failure forever. I do tell people that it is better you try and fail than that you didn't try at all. In journey of life, you don't fail, either you win or you learn lessons. 
So if you must win or be at the top, persist  and don't give up. 

6.Give Room For learning 

For one to be relevant in life,you have to keep upgrading and improving your skills and knowledge because the only thing that is constant is change. Belief me or not, when you stop learning you start dieing automatically. You Will agree with me that every now and then new things are coming up, New technology, new cars,new house etc. For people to patronize your business, you need to keep upgrading your skills and crafts everyday. So I will advise you to keep researching, attend seminars and read books about your choosen field. 

7.Take Corrections 

We came to this world empty that means that we don't know everything. Even, if you are the wisest person on earth, there are some certain things you don't know that you can still learn from people around you. One of the qualities I have discovered so far is giving attention to people,to hear their own opinions or suggestions about somethings. As a leader,don't be carried away with pride, learn to give attention to your audience to know their own thought. Don't expect to win every augment and some times learn to accept defeat. 

8.Have A Mentor/role Model

Now, the question is who is a mentor? A mentor is someone who has gone ahead of you in your choosen field or a person who you are looking upto in terms of corrections and improvement in your field. In your area of specialization, you can't know everything that is why you need a mentor who will be correcting, directing, counselling and advising you on what to do to get to your destination. Doing or learning everything is good but you need a mentor who has more experience than you to guide you through. 


In life, talent and skills will lead you to the door of success but character will keep you going. Good character will make way for you and connect you to people who will assist you to achieve your goals and dreams in life. People that are talented, skillful or gifted but lacks good character will not go far in life. One good attitude or behavior you display will make people to associate with you and it will also attract great men that will help you push your dreams forward.

10.Take Action

In this world we have three categories of people',
A)  People that watch things happening 
B)  People that heard the things that happened 
C)  people that make things happen. 
Now I want you to pick one out of the three, are you still hearing things happening, are you still watching things happening or are you making things happening. I want you to choose one, feel free to do so. I want you to be in the driver's seat now. You are the master of your destiny now. 
I want you to start making things happen, remember whatever you can conceive and belief is achievable. Thank you for reading and I will like to introduce our monthly newsletter which is "10 things to do to unlock the greatness in you" All you need to do is to subscribe to our site. 
I will be glad to hear from you on how you feel about this topic  


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