5 Things you must do everyday to be healthy

5 Five things you must do to be healthy everyday 

We will been looking at some certain things that one can do to be healthy and sound everyday. Health is wealth,that means when you are healthy and sound,you can achieve any goal you set for yourself. Alot of people  are wealthy today but they can't enjoy their wealth due to one sick or the other. We live in a world where people live anywhere,they don't care about what they eat or what they drink,all they know is let's just do it anyhow.

Now, let's look at 5 things you must do to be healthy everyday

1. Visit Gym Center:

Your health requires alot of exercise to function well. Exercise like jumping,jugging,walking are very helpful in our body etc. Reguler exercise helps the body to be active. Visiting your gym  everyday will make you to be sound and strong
. There is something about regular exercise that most people don't understand,it helps to reduce your sugar intake through sweating. Visit your gym every morning will maintain your body shape,it will also helps one to burn fat on the body.

2. Drink Enough water

 The good news is that your body is made of 75% water. Human body can not function effectively without the help of water. There is nobody on this planet earth that can survive without the help of water. Your body system needs water to carry out the process of digestion. It is more dangerous when water runs out of your system,water plays a vite role in human body. Drink water all the time don't wait to be thirsty before you take water. When you wake up early in the morning and take one cup,it flushes the system and helps more in progress of digestion.

3. Eat Good Food:

We have six classes of food and all of them plays a vite role in the human body. Our body needs good food to function very well. They are some energy given foods that when taken, it helps the body to function very very well. Human body needs alot of vegetable,fruits and etc. They are foods that when eaten,it boost the immune system and make it to function at it best.

4.Eat fruit:

We have many good fruit that generates energy,blood and so many other things in our body. Fruits like orange,apple,water melon, and etc. Some fruit like orange contain some vitamin C which is very good to our body. Fruits are more Vite in our body that we can't do without eating them everyday.

5.  Rest

Resting is very good to the body that you can't do without it. Every healthy person knows this, there is time for everything,time to rest and time to work. When the body is stress up, you will hear something like am feeling weak,am feeling pain all over my body. We were informed by world health organization that the human body needs 8-10 hours sleep everyday. When you don't have enough time to rest and sleep,your body will be exposed to some certain sick that can distract your activities or goals everyday. When you  spend enough time to sleep and rest, the body will be refreshed and ready to function at it best. People who don't have time to rest and sleep well will always complain of pain, fever, cold, headache etc.

I will be happy to hear from you my friend reading this article about what you think or what you suggest about what we can do to be more healthy and strong. Health is wealth. 


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